A new style of frame; new finishings and above all a brand new system enable you to decide which way of opening only at the moment of assembling the door. Decò gives value and importance to the ordinary door. The result is like a picture hanged to the wall thanks to the wavy frame and the finishings like a golden or silver leaf.
Designer Information
Res Italia has designed and produced doors and systems since 1962. Enrico Santambrogio established the company in a productive and constantly improving contest, which is how the Made in Italy style was brought all over the world. With headquarters in Seregno, Res shows its collection of interior doors everywhere, succeeding in establishing itself in Italy and then expanding to other countries. During the years, Res has carried the collections of doors and systems inside the prestigious offices of Estée Lauder Cosmetics in New York, in the housing complex Palais Liegi in Rome, in the Belstaff location of Mogliano Veneto, in the Hotel Conservatorium in Amsterdam and in the offices of the luxury fashion brand Giada in China.